…is the home webpage of Douglas Schatz. Douglas lives in Burlington, VT is a graduate of Hampshire College, and spends his free time making net-objects and waxing poetic about the politics of copyright.
Douglas can be found around the web using names GucciSoFlosy, Whenthennow, pdsc, and @Thuglas4Life
If you'd like to see some work, please click on the images below.
the oversized diamonds will take you to the Whenthennow tumblr /vvork page which has the most recent creations.
The big flashing rainbow Gucci logo will take you to the old FreeGucci pages which are mostly silly gifs arranged in silly ways. Due to a recent host change, some of the archived pages will be incomplete.
the vintageKeyboard over the futureTriangle will take you to a series of oversized paintings and animated gifs.